Regional Capital Program

Capital programming is a core function of the RTA. RTA and the Service Boards have worked to articulate as well as advance a capital strategy for transit projects in the Chicagoland region.

Priority Projects have been identified by the Service Boards. These priority projects are updated on an annual basis. This page shows details about the funding for each priority project.

The 2024-2028 5-Year Regional Capital Program includes over 250 projects that are advancing many of these Priority Projects. The capital projects are shown in the table below, organized by Priority Project and can also be seen in a mapped form on the RTA Capital Projects Dashboard. Each project listing shows the amount of funding programmed in the 2024-2028 Regional Capital Program. Beginning with the 2024-2028 Capital Program, projects are evaluated based on 15 measures which were identified in the new Regional Transit Strategic Plan, Transit is the Answer. All projects in the 2024-2028 program show the detailed evaluations in this site.

The metrics include evaluations of Equity and Accessibility which are used in the performance-based allocation process. The region has committed to dedicating 20% of programmed funds to projects that fulfill the regional goals of improving equity and accessibility for 2025 and beyond as a part of the new performance-based capital allocation process

The Service Boards have met and exceeded the 20% goal for the 2025-2028 budget years.

Detailed analysis of the capital evaluation metrics is included in the Regional Transit Operating Budget and Capital Program

Read more about RTA’s capital programming activities here.

Project Management Oversite (PMO) data is provided for projects that are being actively monitored by the PMO group. Data included current activities, start and end date and budget and schedule status. The following page has a full list of active PMO projects.

Agency Priority Project Mode 2024 Funding 2024-2028 Funding Sort ascending 10 Year Funding Needed 10 Year Unfunded Need
+ Pace Improve Passenger Facilities - Park-n-Ride Lots Bus $0 $0 $6,250,000 $6,250,000

Updates and repairs to Park-n-Ride lots

Project Title Asset Category Mode 2024 Funding 2024-2028 Funding PMO
+ I-55 Park-n-Rides Stations & Passenger Facilities Bus $0 $0

Project Details

I-55 Park-n-Rides: A/E design and expansion of existing (Bolingbrook, Burr Ridge, Romeoville) and/or construction of new park-n-ride facility.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $6,750,000 $0 $0 $6,750,000

Last Updated 12.16.2022

+ Bolingbrook Park-n-Ride Stations & Passenger Facilities Bus $0 $0

Project Details

This project will provide for improvements at the Bolingbrook Park-n-Ride
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $1,200,000 $0 $0 $1,200,000

Last Updated 12.14.2023

+ Pace Improve Passenger Facilities - Transportation Centers Bus $0 $0 $67,150,000 $67,150,000

Improvements to Transportation and Transfer Facilities

Project Title Asset Category Mode 2024 Funding 2024-2028 Funding PMO
+ Improve Passenger Facilities Stations & Passenger Facilities Bus $0 $0

Project Details

Improve Passenger Facilities - Fabrication of a new Ventra machine for the O'Hare multimodal facility in 2021. Future renovations are being evaluated for Burr Ridge & Hillside Park-n-Rides, Chicago Heights Transfer Center, Riverdale Bus Turnaround, and Gurnee Mills Transportation Center.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $120,000 $0 $0 $120,000

Last Updated 12.16.2022

+ Joliet Gateway Center - Bus Stop Improvements Stations & Passenger Facilities Bus $0 $0 ✔︎

Project Details

The City of Joliet is redeveloping the existing publicly owned Joliet Union Depot and nearby publicproperties as a Multi-Modal Transportation Center to be owned by the City. As part of this redevelopmentthe City of Joliet has partnered with Pace to construct a new Bus Station and turn-around for public andinter-city transit which will include parking improvements and the construction of new vehicular andpedestrian access and circulation system. The new Bus Station is south of New Street, north of MarionStreet and west of the BNSF/Union Pacific Railroad. The bus station will have 13 berths, with Pacehaving exclusive use of 11 berths, passenger loading islands with canopies and shelters, signage andlandscaping. There will also be a widening of the St. Louis Street, Pace bus operator and public toilets ata location immediately northeast of the existing Pace Heritage Division garage, and ADA accessiblesidewalks.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 $0


Total Project Budget^ Budget Status Schedule Status Start Date End Date
On Budget
Behind Schedule

^Total Project Budget is the project budget being tracked by the RTA PMO Group

Current Status
The City of Joliet and Pace entered into an Intergovernmental Grant Agreement for this project. The overall Joliet Gateway Terminal project is being managed by the City of Joliet. The City of Joliet prepared 100% design and bid the larger Intermodal Transportation Project, of which the Bus Turnaround Component is a part of. A construction contract was awarded, notice to proceed was issued in February, and construction began in March. Substantial completion and beneficial occupancy for the depot building was achieved in December 2021, after a walk?through inspection of depot building. The Scott Street pedestrian tunnel was completed in April 2022. Punch list items on building, passenger platforms and site landscaping were completed in June 2022.

Last Updated 12.14.2023

+ Harvey Transportation Center - Pace Stations & Passenger Facilities Bus $0 $0

Project Details

Pace is partnering with Metra, the City of Harvey, and IDOT with the intent to move the transportation center and combine it with the Metra station.The elements of the construction may include pavement, lighting, platforms, shelters, restrooms, structures and systems and may have a taxi release area to create a multimodal facility.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $30,850,000 $0 $0 $30,850,000

Last Updated 12.16.2022

+ Pace IBS Replacement & Onboard Digital Screens Bus $0 $0 $32,150,000 $32,150,000

Equipment for bus tracking, communications, and data

Project Title Asset Category Mode 2024 Funding 2024-2028 Funding PMO
+ Intelligent Bus System (IBS) Electrical, Signal & Communications Bus $0 $0 ✔︎

Project Details

Intelligent Bus System - Project includes replacement Automatic Passenger Counter equipment (450), routers (600), Apollo cameras (650), IBS servers (8) & software, Storage Area Networks (2), dispatch radios (22), mobile radios (70), Integrated Vehicle Logic Unit Mobile Data Terminals (800), Tate data radios (800), Motorola voice radios (800), and data tower Radio Network Controller equipment (11).
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $2,250,000 $0 $0 $2,250,000


Total Project Budget^ Budget Status Schedule Status Start Date End Date
On Budget
Behind Schedule

^Total Project Budget is the project budget being tracked by the RTA PMO Group

Current Status
Pace continued activities on this project during this reporting period. This project is for the automatic passenger counters on fixed route buses. Pace is working on a change order for finalized installation quantities.

Last Updated 06.10.2024

+ Pace Paratransit Vehicles - Expansion Bus $0 $0 $13,000,000 $13,000,000

New Dial-a-Ride and ADA vehicles for aging population

+ Pace Pedestrian Infrastructure/Shelters/Signs Bus $0 $0 $30,500,000 $30,500,000

Shelters, pedestrian access, and completion of conversion to posted stops

Project Title Asset Category Mode 2024 Funding 2024-2028 Funding PMO
+ 2021 - Bus Stop Shelters, Benches, Pads & Signs Stations & Passenger Facilities Bus $0 $0 ✔︎

Project Details

Bus Stop Shelters - Engineering drawings, manufacture, and installation of bus stop shelters, concrete pads, and benches, including a heated bus shelter at the Waukegan Metra station.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 $0


Total Project Budget^ Budget Status Schedule Status Start Date End Date
On Budget
Behind Schedule

^Total Project Budget is the project budget being tracked by the RTA PMO Group

Current Status
Activities continued working with the vendor for a new large delivery of new and replacement shelters expected in fall 2024. Solicitation for the new concrete pads is going back out to procurement due to issue with bids. Additional site assignments are pending are pending for new concrete pads.

Last Updated 06.10.2024

+ 2021 - Bus Tracker Signs Stations & Passenger Facilities Bus $0 $0 ✔︎

Project Details

Bus Tracker Signs - Production of new electric signs and associated installation costs to provide real-time bus information to riders. In 2021, ten will be replacements for Pulse Milwaukee Line vertical markers, while an additional ten will be for new locations.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 $0


Total Project Budget^ Budget Status Schedule Status Start Date End Date
On Budget
On Schedule

^Total Project Budget is the project budget being tracked by the RTA PMO Group

Current Status
Activities continued related to the real time signs installed at various transit centers along the Pulse Milwaukee Line with various details on the specifics of screen size. Activity for the real time bus information signage and electrical connections was completed during this reporting period.

Last Updated 06.10.2024

+ 2020 - Bus Stop Shelters, Benches, Pads & Signs Stations & Passenger Facilities Bus $0 $0 ✔︎

Project Details

Engineering drawings, manufacture, and installation of bus stop shelters, concrete pads, and benches, including a heated bus shelter at the Waukegan Metra station.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 $0


Total Project Budget^ Budget Status Schedule Status Start Date End Date
On Budget
Behind Schedule

^Total Project Budget is the project budget being tracked by the RTA PMO Group

Current Status
Activities continued working with the vendor for a new large delivery of new and replacement shelters expected in fall 2024. Solicitation for the new concrete pads is going back out to procurement due to issue with bids. Additional site assignments are pending are pending for new concrete pads.

Last Updated 06.10.2024

+ 2020 - Bus Tracker Signs Stations & Passenger Facilities Bus $0 $0 ✔︎

Project Details

Production of new electric signs and associated installation costs to provide real-time bus information to riders. In 2021, ten will be replacements for Pulse Milwaukee Line vertical markers, while an additional ten will be for new locations.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 $0


Total Project Budget^ Budget Status Schedule Status Start Date End Date
On Budget
On Schedule

^Total Project Budget is the project budget being tracked by the RTA PMO Group

Current Status
Activity for this project continued in this reporting period with real time bus information signage and electrical connections installed. Additional signs will be installed using other PAYGO funding for additional signs. This will be the final update on this project.

Last Updated 12.14.2023

+ 2022 - Bus Stop Shelters, Benches, Pads & Signs Stations & Passenger Facilities Bus $0 $0 ✔︎

Project Details

Bus Stop Shelters - Engineering drawings, manufacture, and installation of bus stop shelters, concrete pads, and benches, including a heated bus shelter at the Waukegan Metra station.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $1,125,000 $0 $0 $1,125,000


Total Project Budget^ Budget Status Schedule Status Start Date End Date
On Budget
On Schedule

^Total Project Budget is the project budget being tracked by the RTA PMO Group

Current Status
Activities continued working with the vendor for a new large delivery of new and replacement shelters expected in fall 2024. Solicitation for the new concrete pads is going back out to procurement due to issue with bids. Additional site assignments are pending are pending for new concrete pads.

Last Updated 06.10.2024

+ 2022 - Bus Tracker Signs Stations & Passenger Facilities Bus $0 $0 ✔︎

Project Details

Bus Tracker Signs - Production of new electric signs and associated installation costs to provide real-time bus information to riders. In 2021, ten will be replacements for Pulse Milwaukee Line vertical markers, while an additional ten will be for new locations.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $425,000 $0 $0 $425,000


Total Project Budget^ Budget Status Schedule Status Start Date End Date
On Budget
On Schedule

^Total Project Budget is the project budget being tracked by the RTA PMO Group

Current Status
Activities continued related to the real time signs installed at various transit centers along the Pulse Milwaukee Line with various details on the specifics of screen size. Concurrently, real time bus information signage and electrical connections continued for various project elements. Permitting was approved in this reporting period. Installation and invoicing continue as well.

Last Updated 06.10.2024

+ Pace Uncategorized Projects - Pace Bus $0 $0 $0 $0

These are a miscellaneous set of Capital projects undertaken by Pace

Project Title Asset Category Mode 2024 Funding 2024-2028 Funding PMO
+ Vision Plan Implementation Study N/A Bus $0 $0

Project Details

Vision Plan Implementation Study - Consulting services to include a system-wide market analysis and proposed service restructuring plan that will address the goals and objectives of Pace’s Driving Innovation Strategic Vision Plan.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $1,000,000 $0 $0 $1,000,000

Last Updated 12.16.2022

+ Transit Asset Management N/A Bus $0 $0

Project Details

Transit Asset Management - Consulting services for TAM Plan updates, including condition assessments of Pace facilities.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $400,000 $0 $0 $400,000

Last Updated 12.16.2022

+ Unanticipated Capital N/A Bus $0 $0

Project Details

Contingency funding for existing projects or small new projects
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $3,000,000 $0 $0 $3,000,000

Last Updated 12.16.2022

+ Pace Vanpool Vehicles - Replacement Bus $0 $0 $12,640,000 $12,640,000

Replacement of vans reaching useful life

Project Title Asset Category Mode 2024 Funding 2024-2028 Funding PMO
+ Purchase 7-passenger Vanpool Vehicles Rolling Stock Bus $0 $0 ✔︎

Project Details

Vanpool Vehicles - Pace plans to purchase 164 replacement 17'-20' vans including associated equipment and services (Buy America audit and inspections) for vanpool services.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 $0


Total Project Budget^ Budget Status Schedule Status Start Date End Date
On Budget
On Schedule

^Total Project Budget is the project budget being tracked by the RTA PMO Group

Current Status
The vans will be utilized in the six county Pace service area. To date a total of 25 vans have been ordered, all have been received. Pace has executed a contract to install OEM passenger running boards on the first order of 25 vans. All the running boards have been installed and are in the active fleet. Pace continued to work on an action plan for ordering more vehicles based on projected needs under a separate contract. This will be the final update on this project.

Last Updated 12.14.2023

+ Pace ADA Regional Paratransit Program Bus $0 $0 $394,034,000 $394,034,000

Replacement of vehicles and radio systems for existing program. New vehicles, transfer locations and maintenance facilities for direct Pace ownership of assets for ADA service within City of Chicago

Project Title Asset Category Mode 2024 Funding 2024-2028 Funding PMO
+ ADA Technology Upgrades and Transfer Centers Systemwide Bus $0 $0 ✔︎

Project Details

Regional ADA Paratransit Communication Technology and Transfer Locations - Projects include upgrades to the Trapeze software, TripCheck online booking and tracking, TripCheck Interactive Voice Response phone system, text/email notifications, and Ventra integration. In areas with frequent transfers, funding will be used to purchase land, build facilities, and provide amenities for riders. Pace has identified a location that is adjacent to the Northwest Transportation Center in Schaumburg that is planned to be the first of these transfer locations.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $0 $0 $0 $0


Total Project Budget^ Budget Status Schedule Status Start Date End Date
On Budget
On Schedule

^Total Project Budget is the project budget being tracked by the RTA PMO Group

Current Status
Construction at the Northwest Transportation Center ADA Transfer Facility is ongoing. The contractor completed the underground sewer and drainage structure installation. Site work is ongoing with installation of a concrete block wall along the new bus driveway as well as grading for the parking lot and the new bus driveway. Progress continues on the implementation of various technology enhancement projects. The first two phases of the Taxi Access Program have been completed and the vendor is currently working on the third phase. Activity continues on two phases of Trapeze technology enhancements to Pace’s Trapeze paratransit scheduling system.

Last Updated 06.10.2024

+ Pace Support Equipment/Non-Revenue Vehicles Bus $0 $0 $22,450,000 $22,450,000

Facility and system maintenance equipment and vehicles

Project Title Asset Category Mode 2024 Funding 2024-2028 Funding PMO
+ Support Equipment - Non-Revenue Vehicles Support Facilities & Equipment Bus $0 $0

Project Details

Support Equipment/Non-Revenue Vehicles - Projects in 2021 include the purchase of 18 compact SUVs and one minivan with wheelchair ramp.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $400,000 $0 $0 $400,000

Last Updated 12.16.2022

+ CTA Bus Garage Improvements Bus $0 $0 $248,090,000 $248,090,000

Provide repairs at bus maintenance garages and shops

Project Title Asset Category Mode 2024 Funding 2024-2028 Funding PMO
+ Improve Facilities - Electric Bus Program Planning Support Facilities & Equipment Bus $0 $0

Project Details

CTA has committed to a full electrification of the bus fleet by 2040, providing significant air quality improvements to the region and the immediate vicinity of the garage facilities. To implement the program, the garages will need to be converted to allow for routing servicing / charging of the buses as well as new maintenance requirements. The work will generally involve significant electrical upgrades, installation of charger infrastructure, and general updates to the facility to support the conversion to an electric fleet.The primary locations for the electric charger upgrades will be within all of the CTA bus garages. Secondary locations will be on route charging at major terminals to support the longer bus routes. A study is ongoing to recommend network options and charging requirements. Additionally, load flow studies will be required at all of the garages to properly determine the specific charging needs.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $44,599,730 $0 $0 $44,599,730

Last Updated 12.16.2022

+ North Park Garage – Building Demolition Support Facilities & Equipment Bus $0 $0

Project Details

Project will cover the building demolition and site restoration of 5323 N. Kedzie.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $177,485 $0 $0 $177,485

Last Updated 12.16.2022

+ Bus Hoist Replacement Program Support Facilities & Equipment Bus $0 $0

Project Details

Project will support an updated assessment of the bus hoists to determine which may need replacement, as well as design and construction for those locations.This funding will provide for the purchase and installation of bus hoists at five CTA bus garages.
Funding Amounts by Source
*Previous funding shows all funding since 2021, but not with detail by funding source. Note that the project may have funding from capital programs previous to 2021 that is not shown in table.
Source Previous Funding* 2024 Funding 2025-2028 Funding Total
Federal $0 $0 $0 $0
State $0 $0 $0 $0
RTA $0 $0 $0 $0
Service Board / Local $0 $0 $0 $0
Total $15,000,000 $0 $0 $15,000,000

Last Updated 03.15.2023