Transit Projects and Studies

Welcome to the Transit Projects and Studies portion of RTAMS. The RTA leads and participates in a wide variety of transit planning activities in support of the ON TO 2050 Regional Comprehensive Plan developed by the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP) and Transit is the Answer the 2023 Regional Transit Strategic Plan developed by the RTA and the Service Boards.

The Transit Projects and Studies portion of RTAMS focuses on several key RTA activities including the 5-Year Regional Capital ProgramRTA Project Management Oversight program, and the RTA funding programs. Links to many of the RTA’s other completed studies and projects can be found by searching the Digital Document Library section of RTAMS.  

5-Year Regional Capital Program

The link to the right will take you to more information about the current 5-Year Regional Capital Program of projects. By state statute, the RTA regional Capital Program consists of projects programmed to be undertaken by the CTA, Metra and Pace for the current 5-year period and is adopted by the RTA Board annually. The program is detailed using the Priority Projects, defined in Transit is the Answer. Information including project location, core requirements and strategic goals are provided for each project. 

More details about the 2025-2029 Regional Capital Program can be found on the 2025 Regional Transit Operating Budget and Capital Program page.

Project Management Oversight (PMO) Capital Projects

The link to the right will take you to more information about the capital projects that are being actively monitored through the RTA’s PMO program. Pursuant to the RTA Act, the RTA is responsible for ensuring that the Service Boards are spending capital funds and managing their capital projects effectively and efficiently. The RTA conducts periodic project reviews to ensure that capital projects are being implemented according to scope, on schedule, within budget and according to established project management guidelines. The reviews include direct reports and meetings with Service Board project teams, attendance at project progress meetings, project site visits and final field observations at project completion.

Capital Projects Dashboard

The link to the right will take you to a map of all capital projects that are included in the current regional capital program or that are currently being monitored by the Project Management Oversite Division.

RTA Programs and Projects

The RTA supports planning, capital, and operating projects sponsored by transit providers, local governments, and other agencies through a variety of technical assistance activities and funding. The RTA has funded over 400 projects through these programs. The links at right include more information about specific planning programs and studies that have been funded by the RTA over time.  Summaries of each program are listed below.

  • Access to Transit Projects

The RTA established the Access to Transit Program to seek capital funding for small-scale projects that increase pedestrian and bicycle access to the transit system.

  • Community Planning Projects

The Community Planning program provides funding and planning assistance to applicants for implementation and planning projects that benefit the community and the regional transit system.

More information about project awards and implementation activities related to the Access to Transit and Community Planning programs can be found in the 2022 Local Planning Implementation Report.

  • Innovation, Coordination, and Enhancement (ICE) Projects

The Innovation, Coordination, and Enhancement (ICE) program is a competitive funding program that provides operating and capital assistance to enhance the coordination of public transportation and for innovations to improve the quality and delivery of public transportation.

  • Section 5310 / Job Access Reverse Commute (JARC) / New Freedom (NF) Projects

The Enhanced Mobility of Seniors and Individuals with Disabilities Program (Section 5310) aims to improve mobility for seniors and individuals with disabilities by removing barriers to transportation service and expanding transportation mobility options. The Job Access Reverse Commute (JARC) program was a federally funded program that provided operating and capital assistance for transportation services planned, designed, and carried out to meet the transportation needs of eligible low-income individuals and of reverse commuters regardless of income. The New Freedom (NF) program provided new public transportation services and public transportation alternatives beyond those required by the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA).