Planning Programs and Projects
This page allows users to search for projects from the RTA’s Planning Programs. Users can search for projects by name or keyword from the Search bar or the Filter pulldown menus.
Table results display summary information about each project. To view more details for a project, select the + icon to expand the view for additional information.
Year | Project Title | Program | Project Type | Project Partner | Budget | Funding Source(s) | Status | |||||||
+ | Harvey Metra and Pace Access Improvements | Access to Transit Program | Pedestrian Access to Transit | Harvey | $55,000 |
In Progress | |||||||
Project DetailsRelated Reports
The RTA has awarded $55,000 to the City of Harvey for Phase I engineering needed to build future improvements that include an on street bike lane along portions of 155th Street between Broadway Ave and Lexington Ave, as well as three crosswalks along the corridor in the City of Harvey. The project envisioned will resurface the roadway as a prerequisite to installing the bike lane and making intersection improvements that will directly support access to Pace bus route 364 as well as to the Harvey Transportation Center and the Harvey Metra Electric station. Current Activities
Funding was awarded in the Spring of 2024 and the City has begun working on preliminary engineering. This work expected to continue through the rest of the year, with an estimated completion date in February 2025. Funding Amounts by Source
Last Updated 07.22.2024 |
+ | Hazel Crest Metra and Pace Access Improvements | Access to Transit Program | Pedestrian Access to Transit | Hazel Crest | $55,000 |
In Progress | |||||||
Project DetailsRelated Reports
Not Available Description
The RTA awarded $55,000 to the Village of Hazel Crest for Phase I engineering tasks needed for future improvements that include a side path connector, raised crosswalks, and pedestrian scaled lighting at key intersections in the Village. The side path connector would widen the existing sidewalk from 5 feet to 8 feet on 170th Street from Park Avenue to Dixie Highway. Additional improvements would include pedestrian lighting and raised crosswalks at key intersections. The widened side path would serve pedestrians accessing the Hazel Crest Metra Station that serves the Metra Electric line as well as Pace riders using Route 356 which crosses the study area along Wood Street. Current Activities
Phase I engineering is underway and estimated to be completed by the end of November 2024. Funding Amounts by Source
Last Updated 10.11.2024 |
+ | Niles Pace Pulse Access Improvements | Access to Transit Program | Pedestrian Access to Transit | Niles | $55,000 |
Programmed | |||||||
Project DetailsRelated Reports
Not Available Description
The RTA awarded $55,000 to the Village of Niles for Phase I engineering needed for future improvements that include a side path along Dempster Street between Cumberland Avenue and Milwaukee Avenue in the Village of Niles. Proposed improvements include a 10 foot side path, ADA ramp improvements at signalized intersections, and other associated tasks that include potential utility relocations and fence improvements. The proposed side path would connect existing Pace transit stops on Dempster, two of which are being upgraded to Pace Dempster Pulse Line stations (Cumberland, Milwaukee). One would remain as a stop for the Pace Bus Route 250 (Dempster @ Grand), which currently lacks sufficient pedestrian access. Current Activities
Funding was awarded in the spring of 2024 and the Village is currently seeking assistance from an engineering consultation firm who will complete the preliminary engineering tasks. Funding Amounts by Source
Last Updated 07.22.2024 |
+ | Waukegan Metra and Pace Access to Transit Improvements | Access to Transit Program | Pedestrian Access to Transit | Waukegan | $55,000 |
Programmed | |||||||
Project DetailsRelated Reports
Not Available Description
The RTA awarded $55,000 to the City of Waukegan for Phase I engineering activities needed for various improvements to ADA compliance, pedestrian access, and wayfinding signage at Waukegan's downtown transit hub. Proposed improvements would include a mid-block flashing beacon pedestrian crosswalk on Sheridan, painted crosswalks at Washington and Spring, and realigned curbs and ramps at intersections to improve pedestrian safety. Also proposed are safety improvements for motorists in the area, including left turn pavement markings and 3-way stop signs and stop bars that indicate motorists to yield to pedestrians. The proposed improvements would serve pedestrians accessing the Waukegan Metra station on the Union Pacific North line as well as Pace bus route 565, 568, 571, and 572. Current Activities
Phase I engineering is underway. Waukegan estimates that the work will be completed by the end of Spring 2025. Funding Amounts by Source
Last Updated 10.11.2024 |
+ | Bellwood Metra Station Access Improvements | Access to Transit Program | Pedestrian Access to Transit | Bellwood | $150,998 |
Programmed | |||||||
Project DetailsRelated Reports
Not Available Description
This project funds phase II engineering and construction to remove and replace curb ramps and blended sidewalk areas to comply with ADA standards in 21 locations within the Village. Improvements will consist of removing and replacing sidewalks, curb ramps and curbs, adjusting frames/grates to meet final grade, Hot-mix asphalt pavement patching will be utilized to restore pavement areas. Thermoplastic pavement marking and landscape restoration shall also occur as part of this improvement. Locations selected focus on those areas traveled by residents to access the Metra Bellwood station and Pace bus stops within the Village. Current Activities
The Phase I engineering report has been submitted for IDOT for review and approval. Funding Amounts by Source
Last Updated 10.11.2024 |
+ | Berkeley Pace Route Access Improvements Phase II and Construction | Access to Transit Program | Pedestrian Access to Transit | Berkeley | $1,000,000 |
In Progress | |||||||
Project DetailsRelated Reports
Not Available Description
This project funds Phase II engineering and construction of sidewalk network improvements that will provide access from residential neighborhoods south of St. Charles Road to Pace Bus Route 313. Work will be completed for sidewalk gaps along Lee Boulevard, Morris Avenue, Rohde Avenue, Spencer Avenue, and Jerele Boulevard. Current Activities
Phase II engineering is currently underway. Final plans are expected to go to IDOT in June 2024. Funding Amounts by Source
Last Updated 03.29.2024 |
+ | Cary Metra Station Mobility Hub | Access to Transit Program | Pedestrian Access to Transit | Cary | $585,513 |
In Progress | |||||||
Project DetailsRelated Reports
Not Available Description
The RTA awarded the Village of Cary construction funding to develop the Depot Plaza in downtown Cary, as envisioned in the Cary Downtown Strategic Plan. Improvements will include an open-air plaza with artificial turf, shelter for bicyclists and pedestrians waiting for the McRide bus service, ride sharing, taxis, and outbound Metra service, modifications to the sidewalk to increase walkability and improve pedestrian safety, built in planters to add color and character, and new benches. Current Activities
Construction bids came in over budget and the project will go out for bid again with minor changes in hopes to receive bids within the project budget. Updated letting date is January 2025. Funding Amounts by Source
Last Updated 10.11.2024 |
+ | Ford Heights Pace Route Access Improvements | Access to Transit Program | Pedestrian Access to Transit | Ford Heights | $53,628 |
Completed | |||||||
Project DetailsRelated Reports
Not Available Description
The RTA has awarded $53,628 to the Village of Ford Heights for Phase I engineering needed to improve the sidewalk network, add concrete pads to select bus stops, and install ADA-compliant crosswalks at key intersections surrounding the Pace Route 357. The bus route runs through the center of the village and forms a loop around the future 60-acre mixed-use New Town Center development. There are currently significant gaps in the sidewalk network that connects these surrounding areas with bus stops, and most crosswalks in the area are faded and are not ADA-compliant. Current Activities
Phase I Engineering has been completed and approved by IDOT. This project is completed and the RTA is working with Ford Heights to apply for Phase II and Construction funding for this project in the upcoming CMAQ Call for Projects. Funding Amounts by Source
Last Updated 07.22.2024 |
+ | Harvard Pace Route Access Improvements - Marengo Rd and Ayer St. - Phase II and Construction | Access to Transit Program | Pedestrian Access to Transit | Harvard | $360,000 |
Programmed | |||||||
Project DetailsRelated Reports
Not Available Description
Funding for this project will complete Phase II engineering and construction of pedestrian access improvements along US Rte. 14, IL Route. 173, Marengo Road, and Ayer Street. The project includes new sidewalks, ADA improvements, crosswalks, and a Pace Bus shelter. These improvements will better connect residents to the Harvard Metra Station and the Pace Bus Route 808. Current Activities
Phase II Engineering Underway. Engineering agreements have been submitted and are awaiting IDOT approval. Funding Amounts by Source
Last Updated 10.11.2024 |
+ | Harvard Pace Route Access Improvements - Route 173 | Access to Transit Program | Pedestrian Access to Transit | Harvard | $55,000 |
Completed | |||||||
Project DetailsRelated Reports
Not Available Description
The RTA awarded $55,000 to the City of Harvard for Phase I engineering needed for pedestrian access improvements along Illinois Route 173 from Marengo Road to US Route 14, including new sidewalks, ADA crosswalks, and pedestrian access over Mokeler Creek. Currently, there are no sidewalks along Route 173, forcing pedestrians to walk on the shoulder. At the crossing of Mokeler Creek, pedestrians have to walk in the travel lanes of Route 173 to get over the creek. Current Activities
Phase I Engineering was completed in 2023 and the City is seeking funding for design engineering and construction. Funding Amounts by Source
Last Updated 07.19.2024 |