Logan Square Blue Line Action Plan - Taking Action in Logan Square

The Logan Square Blue Line ETOD Station Area Plan is a joint effort between Elevated Chicago, the Chicago Metropolitan Agency for Planning (CMAP), the Regional Transportation Authority (RTA), and a Community Table of local community organizations to facilitate equitable growth within the 1/2 mile radius around the CTA Blue Line station in Logan Square. Palenque LSNA, Center for Changing Lives, and LUCHA comprise the Logan Square Community Table, which met periodically to review recommendations from past plans, discuss progress made, identify overarching goals and priorities, and develop strategies to activate the plan as a dynamic call to action. Notably, Palenque LSNA’s youth leaders played a significant role in developing this plan, particularly sharing their ideas and molding the strategies from their unique perspectives and lived experiences. Equitable growth includes celebrating and prioritizing local culture and retention of current residents. Recognizing the opportunity to leverage the benefits of transit oriented development (TOD) to contend with displacement and other adverse impacts of gentrification, the planning process for Logan Square sought to produce a strategic action plan that enables the community to achieve its goals as defined in this plan.

LSBL Action Plan FINAL 06.30.2023.pdf

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timestamp Jul 25, 2024