Southwest Will TMA Study


This study updated the Joliet Arsenal Development Authority's (JADA) transportation plan for the area in and around the former Joliet Arsenal. The study included an evaluation and feasibility study for the creation of a Transportation Management Association for southwest Will County. 

Current Activities

The study was completed in June, 2010. In July of 2011, an RFP was released and proposals sought for the Southwest Will TMA Implementation and Travel Demand Study by the Joliet Arsenal Development Study and the City of Joliet. A committee consisting of JADA, Will County, Will County Governmental League, Will County Center for Economic Development and the City of Joliet selected Ruettiger & Tonelli / AECOM after the interview process. The project commenced in the summer of 2013.

Project Type
Transit Improvement Plan
Project Year
Project Status
Joliet Arsenal Development Authority
Planning Program
Community Planning
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $100000.00
Local $25000.00
Last Updated 11.11.2020