Planning Programs and Projects

This page allows users to search for projects from the RTA’s Planning Programs. Users can search for projects by name or keyword from the Search bar or the Filter pulldown menus. 

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Year Project Title Program Project Type Project Partner Budget Funding Source(s) Status
+ Village of Carpentersville Transit Improvement Plan Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan Carpentersville $74,979
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

This project examined ways to improve transit options to employment areas within the Village and in neighboring communities. A detailed market analysis was performed to determine the feasibility for a variety of transportation services with recommendations focusing on low-cost, easily-implementable improvements.
Current Activities
The Final Report was completed in early December. The Final Plan was approved by the Village Board on December 16, 2014. The Village is now undertaking outreach efforts to market Pace Rideshare and carpooling.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $59,983
Local $14,996

Last Updated 01.04.2017

+ Westmont TOD Zoning Code Update Community Planning TOD Zoning Westmont $21,666
  • RTA
  • Federal

Project Details


The Village was chosen as part of the 2012 RTA Community Planning Program of Projects to update the zoning ordinance in the Village's TOD study area to include transit-supportive regulations.

Current Activities

Although the TOD regulations developed during the project have yet to be adopted, the Village Board did adopt a new zoning map on March 15, 2018. The proposed regulations developed during this project continue to be used as guidelines for downtown projects in the Village.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $4,334
Federal $17,332

Last Updated 11.28.2022

+ Wilmette TOD Zoning Code Update (Parking) Community Planning TOD Zoning Wilmette $10,000
  • RTA
  • Federal

Project Details

This project assisted the the Village of Wilmette with updating their Village Center Parking Regulations.
Current Activities
The new TOD parking regulations took effect April 1, 2014. For more information please click here.

In September the Village announced that they will be selling 611 Green Bay Road to a developer for a 6-story mixed-use project that will break ground in mid or late 2015. For the latest information on this project please click here.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $2,000
Federal $8,000

Last Updated 06.30.2015

+ Wood Dale Developer Discussion Panel Community Planning Developer Panel Wood Dale $3,500
  • RTA

Project Details

The Village was chosen as part of the 2011 RTA Community Planning Program of Projects for assistance with developer recruitment and solicitation of opportunities in the TOD study area.
Current Activities
This panel convened in July 2012 to discuss potential redevelopment opportunities on City-owned land across from the Metra station. A summary of this discussion can be found below under Study Documents below. The RTA is monitoring progress and will offer assistance with implementation as needed.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $3,500

Last Updated 10.04.2017

+ Blue Island TOD Zoning Code Update Community Planning TOD Zoning Blue Island $21,666
  • RTA

Project Details

Blue Island was chosen as part of a Pilot Project in 2011 to update their TOD area zoning regulations in their uptown (Vermont Street station) area. The zoning updates were completed in 2012.
Current Activities
A new zoning district called the Uptown Transit-Oriented District was created and formally adopted into the City Zoning Ordinance on June 14, 2012. The new regulations can be found here. Additionally the City participated in a ULI Developer Discussion Panel focused on the 119th Street Station area. A summary of this discussion can be found on the Blue Island Developer Discussion Panel RTAMS page.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $21,666

Last Updated 06.30.2016

+ Chicago Southland TOD Corridor Planning Study Phase II Implementation Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association (SSMMA) $125,000
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

This project was the second phase of a two-phase planning process aimed at facilitating TOD at station areas in southland communities. Phase I was funded through the Community Planning program in 2009 and concluded at the end of 2010. Phase II built off the planning framework completed during Phase I and developed site plans for select sites in Homewood, Blue Island and Oak Forest.
Current Activities
In June 2015 a boutique hotel opened in Homewood across from the Metra station. This 18-room hotel also consists of a restaurant/bar and the owners are hopeful that the proximity to Metra will attract commuters to visit and stay in the area. For more information please visit "".

In 2013 the SSMMA received assistance from the RTA (with support from ULI) to solicit guidance, advice and input from the development community on ways to attract TOD investment in the Oak Forest TOD area. This discussion took place on December 10, 2013 and a Summary Report of this discussion can be found below under "Related Studies".

In 2015, Oak Forest received CMAQ program funding for pedestrian improvements in the Oak Forest station area via the RTA's Access to Transit Program. This project will improve multi-modal access to the station, as well as to Pace Route 383.

In 2016 SSMMA provided additional funding to Homewood and Oak Forest to advance additional implementation efforts. Oak Forest will use the funds to complete a pro forma analysis and conceptual design review for two mixed-use, multi-family sites adjacent to the Rock Island Metra station. Homewood will use the funds to complete architectural, engineering, and environmental work for 28 proposed residential units, as well as a Science Center, on a currently vacant site near the Homewood Metra station.

In 2018 Homewood began a marketing campaign to promote the affordability and convenience of living in Homewood. Advertisements were targeted to various Chicago neighborhoods.

The City of Oak Forest continues to focus its economic development efforts towards quality placemaking, transit-oriented development around their Metra station by strategically acquiring dormant properties. In 2019 numerous projects were underway with the largest being Cook County releasing an RFP to begin redevelopment plans for the 129-acre Oak Forest Health Center.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $100,000
Local $25,000

Last Updated 06.28.2019

+ Cicero Avenue Corridor Plan Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan Southwest Conference of Mayors $200,000
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

Related Reports

This project developed strategies to increase transit usage along Cicero Avenue from Midway Airport in Chicago south to I-294 in Alsip. The study addressed mobility and accessibility through a comprehensive transportation and transit analysis, recommended strategies for economic revitalization along the corridor and developed a detailed implementation plan.

Current Activities

The Final Report was completed in December 2014. The Southwest Conference of Mayors approved the plan on March 31, 2015.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $160,000
Local $40,000

Last Updated 07.28.2021

+ Elgin Chicago Street Station Area Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Elgin $100,000
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details


This project created a transit-oriented development plan for an approximate ½ mile radius of the Chicago Street Metra station within the City. The plan promoted revitalization of the area by examining effective land use, multi-modal interconnectivity, and retail and residential redevelopment strategies. Recommendations focused on streetscape improvements, transit access improvements and land use recommendations. Specific land use recommendations focused on new multi-family residential and commercial uses in the station area.

Current Activities

The final plan was approved by the City Council in December 2014.

In July 2016, zoning approval was granted for Fox River Crossing, an affordable senior housing development with 60 apartment units, at the northwest corner of Route 31 and Lawrence. In September of 2017 the developers of Fox River Crossing received federal low income tax credits, which are passed on as below market rents for seniors.

The renovation of Elgin's historic Tower Building, a 22-unit apartment building at the corner of E. Chicago Street and N. Grove Avenue in Downtown Elgin was completed at the end of 2017. Apartments units are currently available to rent.

During 2016 and 2017 the City continued with streetscape improvements along Chicago Street including the installation of a pedestrian crosswalk linking the Metra station with the Pace Transportation Center. In addition, in the summer of 2018 RTA interagency signage will be installed within and adjacent to the station areas to assist passengers making bus and train transfer connections.

Two mixed-use developments, Fountain Square on the River (200 residential units) and River Park Place (180 residential units) were recently built. A downtown festival park was also built and a bike path extension is planned.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $80,000
Local $20,000

Last Updated 02.16.2021

+ Hanover Park Village Center Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Hanover Park $100,000
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

This project created a transit-oriented development plan for the Village's Metra station area. The station area was designated in the 2010 Village of Hanover Park Comprehensive Plan as the location of the new Village Center and this plan built upon this vision by planning for increased residential density, mixed use retail, and freestanding retail and office space. The plan is anchored on the Village's existing Metra station and also accounts for anticipated land use changes due to a planned boulevard as an approach to the western terminus of the Elgin-O'Hare Expressway. The Village Board formally adopted the Transit-Oriented Development Plan as an amendment to their comprehensive plan in May 2012.
Current Activities
The Village's TOD plan continues to encourage development adjacent to the Hanover Park Metra station. A 126 unit townhome development was completed in 2014 and is located approximately 1/4 mile north and within convenient walking distances of the Metra station and connecting Pace bus services (route 554).

Through the RTA Community Planning Program, the Village participated in a RTA/ULI Developer Discussion Panel to solicit guidance and advice from the development community on ways to attract investment in the TOD area. This panel convened in February 2014 and a summary report of the discussion can be found below in the Study Documents.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $80,000
Local $20,000

Last Updated 06.18.2018

+ Hoffman Estates Flexible Transit Service Operations Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan Hoffman Estates $80,000
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

This project examined the feasibility of alternative small scale transit options for the Village to improve overall mobility and access. Links to employment, medical, service, retail and other transit services were investigated. Recommendations took into account the potential Pace transit options along I-90. Additionally, a market analysis to determine the potential market was performed.
Current Activities
The Village convened their transit task force in December 2014 to pursue transit service implementation activities in conjunction with the Pace/ Illinois Tollway I-90 Transit Market Expansion project. In February 2014, the State of Illinois announced a $68 Million funding plan for a full interchange at Barrington Road and the I-90 Jane Addams Memorial Tollway. This will allow Pace to offer express bus service to and from Hoffman Estates as the interchange project includes the creation of a Barrington Road Transit Center. Pace express services (Routes 607 and 605) will use the Tollway shoulder to provide congestion free bus travel. Pace is building a new Park-n-Ride / Kiss-n-Ride to support the new express bus stops on I-90 just east of Barrington Road. To link the transit stops with the parking and drop-off areas, pedestrian access under the ramps on the east side of the interchange were completed with the interchange work. The project also includes a new pedestrian bridge over I-90 to link the express bus stops on the north and south sides of I-90.The Barrington Road Transit Center is expected to open in late 2017 to match the roll-out of expanded express bus service on I-90.

The resulting increase in express bus service to the area will provide the ridership increase that is needed to implement Pace Call-n-Ride local service. In spring 2015, Pace, in conjunction with another RTA Community Planning project, began the planning process for a Barrington Road / I-90 area Call-n-Ride service.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $64,000
Local $16,000

Last Updated 06.01.2017