Planning Programs and Projects

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Year Project Title Program Project Type Project Partner Budget Funding Source(s) Status
+ Geneva Downtown / Station Area Master Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Geneva $124,081
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

This project created a transit-oriented development plan for an approximate ½ mile radius of the Geneva Metra Station. The plan recommendations focused on the expansion of retail development, increasing housing diversity, mixed-use development, parking expansion and improving access to and around the station. The final report consists of an existing conditions report, market analysis, concept plan, parking and circulation plan, design guidelines and implementation recommendations.
Current Activities
The plan was formally approved as an amendment to the Geneva Comprehensive Plan in November 2012. In May 2015, the City completed construction of a third tier on the Third Street parking deck, adding an additional 180 spaces.

Geneva continues to build transit supportive infill residential development per the plan recommendations. Two recent developments are noteworthy Campbell Row and Park Place, both completed in 2017. Campbell Row is a 5-unit townhome development at the corner of Campbell and Fourth Streets, 1/3 of a mile from the Geneva Metra station and within two blocks of Pace routes 801 and 802. Park Place is a 30-unit row house development at the corner of First and Stevens within 3/4 mile of the Metra station and Pace bus routes. In addition, in August 2019, approval took place for Phase I of Hamilton Place, which includes the construction of 16 single-family homes at the Northeast corner of Richards & State street.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $99,265
Local $24,816

Last Updated 09.16.2019

+ Hanover Park - County Farm Road Transit Service Study Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan Hanover Park $150,000
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

This project consisted of a transportation feasibility study to identify potential transit options along County Farm Road, for the ten mile segment between Lake Street on the north and Roosevelt Road / the DuPage County Government Center on the south. The service recommendations addressed access to the Hanover Park Metra Station, the DuPage County Government Center, and multiple businesses and places of employment along the corridor. Project tasks included public involvement, a mobility needs assessment, service recommendations and implementation strategies. The Village of Hanover Park led the study, with the towns of Roselle, Carol Stream, Bloomingdale, Winfield, and Wheaton serving on the project steering committee.
Current Activities
This project was completed in December 2012. A Transit Improvement Task Force has been formed to implement the recommendations of the study. The task force consists of members from the communities of Hanover Park, Roselle, Carol Stream, Bloomingdale, Winfield, and Wheaton; as well as representatives from the RTA, DuPage Mayors and Managers Conference, and DuPage County. Topics addressed range from having the member communities adopt the plan as part of their comprehensive plans to discussions regarding potential service areas for local transit. The task force continues to monitor potential funding sources.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $120,000
Local $30,000

Last Updated 05.31.2017

+ Lombard Downtown Implementation Study Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Lombard $125,000
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details


Building on previous work conducted by the Village this project created a transit-oriented development plan for an approximate ½ mile radius of the existing Metra station within the Village. The plan focused on improving pedestrian and bicycle safety and access, creating redevelopment opportunities for surrounding properties, and improving the look and signage in downtown. There was a detailed analysis of two areas including the Core Downtown Area and E. St. Charles TIF Area. Specific site recommendations were provided with associated financial analysis and façade ideas. The plan also made recommendation for accommodating parking in the long term and conducting a road diet on Main Street and St. Charles Road east of Main Street. Additionally way finding, signage and branding recommendations were included in the plan. The Village Board officially adopted the plan in March 2011.

Current Activities

In 2021, construction began on the Lilac Station development at 101 South Main Street, a 118-unit mixed-use building with a 11,000 square foot grocery store at ground level. The Village maintains a webpage dedicated to the project that includes detailed construction and permitting updates.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $100,000
Local $25,000

Last Updated 01.10.2022

+ Pace Transit Signal Priority Planning for the Milwaukee Avenue Arterial Rapid Transit Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan Pace Suburban Bus $118,302
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available

This planning effort developed Transit Signal Priority (TSP) Signal Timing Strategies and Signal Timing Optimization Plans for the future Milwaukee Arterial Rapid Transit (ART) corridor along Milwaukee Avenue from the Jefferson Park Transit Center in the City of Chicago to Golf Mill Mall in the Village of Niles. It is the first step toward implementing TSP. Signal optimization improves traffic flow for all vehicular traffic, including transit. Improved traffic flow results in reduced stop-and-go traffic, improves platoon progression as well as reduced idle time; which reduces vehicular emissions. TSP improves travel speed and schedule reliability of transit, which, in turns, makes transit a more attractive mobility choice.
Current Activities
The project was completed in August 2011. Pace continues to advance Transit Signal Priority (TSP) and Arterial Rapid Transit (ART) along the corridor. Through an RTA Innovation, Coordination, and Enhancement (ICE) project, Pace will test the integration of transit signal priority technology that will allow CTA and Pace buses to interact with multiple types of traffic signal systems located on the same arterial.

Pace received a CMAQ grant in 2014 to fund the following components of Milwaukee Avenue ART from Jefferson Park to Golf Mill: Phase 1 Engineering, stations, real time information, ART vehicles, and queue jump lanes (where appropriate), which are elements of the Pace TSP Planning for the Milwaukee Avenue Arterial Rapid Transit. Pace held public open houses for its Milwaukee Avenue ART service in 2015 to solicit feedback. Milwaukee Avenue will be the first Pace ART line - now titled Pace Pulse - to be implemented. Construction on shelters and other supporting infrastructure will begin in summer of 2017 with an expected opening of the line in 2018. For more information regarding the Pace Pulse service, visit
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $94,642
Local $23,660

Last Updated 05.31.2017

+ Skokie-Dempster Station Area Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Skokie $124,710
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

This project will create a transit-oriented development plan for an approximate ½ mile radius of the future relocated and elevated Skokie-Dempster Station on the CTA Yellow Line. The CTA is currently conducting an Alternatives Analysis to extend the Yellow Line from the current terminus at Skokie-Dempster to Old Orchard Road. If the line is extended, the existing Skokie-Dempster Station will be elevated near its current location. The new elevation presents an opportunity to improve circulation around the station where the at-grade tracks and station currently act as a physical barrier limiting development. The goal of the project is to create a circulation plan, a corresponding market study, and land use analysis for the Skokie-Dempster Station area.
Current Activities
The plan has been finalized. The RTA will offer implementation assistance as needed. In 2015, Skokie received CMAQ program funding, via the RTA's Access to Transit Improvement Program, for pedestrian access improvements and additional bicycle parking at the Dempster Station. In 2016, the Village announced that a Target store will be built on a formerly Village-owned property adjacent to the Dempster station. It is expected to be open in late 2017. As of recent, the following projects are approved/under construction/completed in TOD radius: -A Single-Family Detached Homes project at Floral/Cleveland -Completed in November 2018 -A Mixed-Use Townhomes project at 8163 Lincoln Avenue -Under Construction as of April 2018 -A Retail project at 4844-4852 Main Street -Completed in June 2018 -A Mixed-Use Townhomes project, 'Elmwood Collection' -Under Construction as of April 2018 -A Mixed-Use Apartments project at 8025 Skokie Boulevard -Approved in March 2018 -A Live-Work Townhomes project, 'Luxury on Lincoln' -Under Construction as of Nov 2018 -A Mixed-Use Condo project at 8039 Elmwood Avenue -Under Construction as of June 2019 -'Illinois Science + Technology Park' -Under Construction as of January 2019 -A Commercial Development project, 'Ignite Gaming' -Completed in December 2019
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $99,768
Local $24,942

Last Updated 09.16.2019

+ South Elgin Transit Improvement Plan Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan South Elgin $75,000
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

This project created a transit improvement study for the Village of South Elgin by identifying transit needs and opportunities within the Village in response to recent population growth and development. The project identified potential improvements to the existing Pace Route #801 as well as recommendations for potential community-based transit service. Tasks included an analysis of current travel patterns, a mobility needs assessment, development of service recommendations and implementation strategies.
Current Activities
The project was completed in November 2011. The plan was approved by the Village of South Elgin Village Board on November 21, 2011.

As of December 12, 2011, Pace Route #801 has been re-routed to provide improved service to areas of high population and employment density along Randall Road. For more information and an updated list of stops, please visit In July 2012, the Village Board added the South Elgin Transit Improvement Plan to the Village 2030 Comprehensive Plan. Additionally, as a result of the Pace Route #801 service realignment, ridership within the Village has increased five-fold.

In late 2013 Kane County DOT received CMAQ approval for the Randall Road Transit Infrastructure Improvements project. This project funds Phase 2 Engineering and Construction for bus shelters, waiting pads, crosswalk markings, pedestrian signals, ADA ramps and sidewalks along Pace Route 801, as recommended in the South Elgin Transit Improvement Plan and Kane County 2040 Long Range Transit Plan CP projects. For more information please visit

The Village created a Bike and Pedestrian Mobility Plan through the CMAP Local Technical Assistance program, which will enhance the connectivity to Route 801.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $60,000
Local $15,000

Last Updated 01.04.2017

+ Antioch Downtown Land Use and Transit Implementation Strategy Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Antioch $99,708
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

After the Village completed several transit-oriented development studies for their Metra Station area, this project revised the zoning ordinance to a form-based code, and will be utilized to regulate all future development in the TOD area.The final report was presented to the Village Board in March and the form-based code was adopted on October 17, 2011.
Current Activities
The Village was awarded a $200,000 US-EPA Brownfield Assessment Grant in 2013 to begin identifying and assessing underused land, blighted properties and former industrial sites in the TOD area. For more information please visit: The RTA will provide support and assistance as needed.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $79,766
Local $19,942

Last Updated 06.08.2017

+ Bensenville Transit Improvement Plan and Station Area Study Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Bensenville $123,130
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details


In the spring of 2010 the Village of Bensenville engaged a planning process to assess the potential for improving the community's overall transportation system and revitalizing its main road corridors and Downtown train station area. Increasing transit ridership and facilitating new development along the roadways as well as in downtown was key goals of the Study.

The study consisted of two primary areas; land use development in downtown and along major transit corridors and a transit improvement plan for existing and potential transit. The downtown plan assessed the short and long-term potential of redeveloping key parcels in downtown. The process evaluated land use redevelopment project potentials along key transit corridors including York Road, Green Street, and County that would enhance the transit system over time. The planning process also included a comprehensive analysis of the Villages existing and potential transit services. Recommendations took into consideration the potential expansion of the western terminal at O'Hare airport and the proposed roadway changes due to the Elgin-O'Hare Expressway Corridor. Please visit the project's website for updated reports and information

Current Activities

Bensenville continues to make progress in implementing their Transit Improvement Plan & Station Area/Corridor Study. Currently under construction are the YorkWood Townhomes, a two story five unit townhome development located at 201 South York Road, approximately 1/3 of a mile from the Bensenville Metra Station. This townhome development is estimated to be completed by the end of June of 2018. The A & E Luxury Apartments, a three-story 29 unit rental apartment building located at 213 North Walnut Street was constructed in 2017 located 1/2 mile from the Metra station and a few blocks from Pace route 332 service at Irving and Addison Streets. The Green Street Grill at 120 West Green Street is also notable for being conveniently located to Metra and Pace services in downtown Bensenville.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $98,504
Local $24,626

Last Updated 07.18.2023

+ Chicago - Metra Milwaukee District West Line Transit-Friendly Development Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Chicago $219,622
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

This City of Chicago-sponsored study encompassed five Metra stations along the Milwaukee District West Line within the City of Chicago (Grand / Cicero, Hanson Park, Galewood, Mars, and Montclare). The study provided recommendations for potential transit-oriented development near each station.
Current Activities
The final report was approved by the City's Plan Commission in December 2012. The Implementation Task Force is currently focusing on the creation, installation and maintenance of wayfinding signs, a main recommendation of the study.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $175,698
Local $43,924

Last Updated 06.20.2014

+ Chicago Southland Transit Region Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association (SSMMA) $175,000
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

This study, sponsored by the South Suburban Mayors and Managers Association (SSMMA), encompassed the communities within the service area of the SSMMA and located along either the Metra Electric Line, Rock Island Line, Southwest Service, or the proposed SouthEast Service Line. This study created station area and developer typologies for each of the stations as well as development and design guidelines.
Current Activities
The final report was adopted by the SSMMA Board in April 2011. Phase II of this study was completed in 2012, focusing on identifying conceptual development programs for five specific sites in three communities within the study area. As a follow-up, the SSMMA received assistance from the RTA (with support from ULI) in 2013 to solicit guidance, advice and input from the development community for four sites within the SSMMA region, one of which is Oak Forest. This discussion took place on December 10, 2013 and a Summary Report of this discussion can be found below under "Related Studies".
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $140,000
Local $35,000

Last Updated 10.05.2018