Planning Programs and Projects

This page allows users to search for projects from the RTA’s Planning Programs. Users can search for projects by name or keyword from the Search bar or the Filter pulldown menus. 

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Year Project Title Program Project Type Project Partner Budget Funding Source(s) Status Sort ascending
+ Marengo Station Area Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Marengo $99,740
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

Related Reports

This project assessed the feasibility of the City's preferred transit station location and developed a conceptual station area plan for a potential transit station located within the City on the potential Milwaukee District West Line service extension to Marengo. See Metra Marengo Extension Commuter Rail Feasibility Study for more information:

The station area plan includes transit-oriented development recommendations as well as transit facility recommendations and implementation strategies.

Current Activities

The Village Board adopted the final plan in June 2009. The RTA is monitoring progress and will provide implementation support as needed.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $19,948
Federal $79,792

Last Updated 07.18.2023

+ Riverdale 138th Street Station Planning Study Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Riverdale $48,500
  • RTA
  • Federal

Project Details

The Riverdale 138th Street Station Planning Study identified redevelopment opportunities in the station area as well as recommended improvements that would compliment revitalization efforts. Among the recommended transit facility improvements were new lighting, sidewalks, and viaduct improvements at the station entrance. A circulation and streetscape plan for the station area and design criteria for the recommended redevelopment were also produced.
Current Activities
The study was completed in December 2001. RTA staff will continue to reach out to Village staff and offer any assistance needed for implementation of the plan.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $9,700
Federal $38,800

Last Updated 06.13.2017

+ West Chicago Developer Discussion Panel Community Planning Development Dialogue West Chicago $3,000
  • RTA

Project Details

This project assisted the City with a developer panel to review the City's existing CBD area plans, analyze the CBD for prospective development, and make recommendations for the City's future efforts to market and enhance the Downtown area. Future enhancements to the CBD will support mass transit with new development and redevelopment in the Main Street Corridor and West Washington Street Area.
Current Activities
The Developer Discussion panel took place on October 21, 2015. The Summary Report is complete.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $3,000

Last Updated 04.03.2017

+ Western Springs Downtown Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Western Springs $119,980
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details


Called the "Queen Suburb of Chicago" by early realtors, Western Springs is known as a community with lovely homes, great neighborhoods, and a strong sense of community. It also has a wonderful, small downtown with unique restaurants and shops centered on a Metra commuter rail station. To maintain and enhance this unique core of community life, in 2011 the Village crafted a Downtown Redevelopment Plan. The planning process involved an extensive public participation process, including a community survey, participatory workshops, a temporary storefront office for walk-in conversations about downtown, direct interviews and meetings with property owners and developers, and oversight by a steering committee. The intensive process resulted in a Plan that was adopted by the Village Board on August 22 by Ordinance 11-2643 as an amendment to the Village's Comprehensive Plan. Highlights of the plan include a wayfinding system, a renovation strategy for the overall streetscape, identification of nine potential redevelopment sites, creation of design guidelines, façade renovation sketches, implementation strategies, a marketing and promotions strategy, and examination of parking demand and identification of parking improvements.

Current Activities

Construction completed in 2020 of Foxford Station, a 28 unit condominium development with 3,800 square feet of ground-floor commercial space at Wolf Road and Burlington, across the street from the Metra station.

A developer plans to break ground in the fall of 2022 on a 10-unit condominium development on Hillgrove Ave., between Franklin and Howard Avenues.

The RTA will continue to monitor progress and offer assistance as needed.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $95,984
Local $23,996

Last Updated 10.25.2022

+ Kendall Community Transit Program '15 Section 5310 / JARC / NF Operating Kendall County $498,502
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available

The vehicles and operations funded by this program will be used for demand responsive paratransit service to provide door-to-door service for populations of the disabled, low income, and senior populations in the urban portions of Kendall County. The project is designed to be the first phase of a countywide general public transportation system.
Current Activities
The service provided 2,172 trips in April 2018. This project is complete.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $249,251
Federal $249,251

Last Updated 06.13.2019

+ City of Chicago Ashland-Western Bus Rapid Transit Land Use Development Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Chicago $200,000
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project developed land use recommendations to support the CTA's planned bus rapid transit (BRT) service along the Western / Ashland corridors. The work led to the identification of land use policy changes that support transit-oriented development as well as design standards to improve the experience around potential station sites, with a focus on providing pedestrian access and increasing ridership.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $160,000
Local $40,000

Last Updated 07.28.2021

+ Elmhurst Downtown Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Elmhurst $7,500
  • RTA

Project Details

The Elmhurst Central Business District City Centre Planning Study was completed in March of 1999. The plan was directed by the Central Business District Special Service Area and was part of the RTAP program. The study applied transit-oriented development principles to downtown Elmhurst.
Current Activities

The original TOD study was updated by the City of Elmhurst in 2006 and continues to foster residential, commercial, and retail development in the downtown area. A six-story mixed use development is currently under construction at 100 N. Addison in downtown Elmhurst. This development has 11,000 square feet of first floor commercial space with 165 residential apartment units above the commercial spaces. This development is located adjacent to the Metra station in downtown Elmhurst. Completed in 2019. 

Elmhurst also secured grant funding to reconstruct its downtown Metra station. The work scope included reconstruction of the inbound and outbound platform, a new pedestrian tunnel at York Street and designated bus and vehicle drop-off lanes to reduce localized vehicular congestion. This $18 million project began in the summer of 2019.

In 2010, the City completed construction of a five-story, 253-space parking deck to serve downtown patrons and Metra commuters at First Street and Larch Avenue. In addition, a new parking deck with street-level commercial was built at Schiller Street and Palmer Drive as well as a traditional parking deck at Addison Road and Adelaide Street. 

In 2016 the City opened a 6-story, 690-space parking deck at Addison Avenue and 2nd Street with ground-floor retail, serving downtown customers and employees. Elmhurst 255, a 188-unit residential rental project was completed in 2016, amenities include 12,000SF ground level retail and a public event plaza.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $7,500

Last Updated 02.13.2024

+ McHenry County Transportation Plan: Transit Component Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan McHenry County $0
  • RTA

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available

The RTA participated in the transit component of the McHenry County comprehensive multi-modal transportation and land use plan for the county. The transit component identified existing transit service, explored transit-related land use, service innovations, and assessed fixed route service alternatives.
Current Activities
This project was completed in December 2004. McHenry County advanced the general recommendations contained in this plan and funded a more detailed, transit-focused study in 2005. The subsequent plan provides a roadmap to implementation of short, mid and long-term transit improvements for the County to follow. The County has in place an Implementation Task Force that guides the County's efforts related to transit.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $0

Last Updated 10.05.2016

+ Pace Service Planning Tool Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan Pace Suburban Bus $1,052,570
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details


Through this project, Pace created a new ridership forecasting application that utilizes customized market research and mode choice models. Using Pace's South Cook County, Southwest Cook County, and Will County Restructuring Initiatives as the market area for this project, the resulting data and models were used to identify opportunities for service improvements. This forecasting application will be used region-wide in each of Pace's service areas.

Current Activities

The Service Planning Tool is one of various methods Pace is currently using to analyze service upgrades and improvements.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $250,000
Local $802,570

Last Updated 11.19.2023

+ Des Plaines TOD Developer Dialogue - Lee and Oakton Community Planning Development Dialogue Des Plaines $3,500
  • RTA

Project Details


The RTA provided assistance to the City of Des Plaines in soliciting guidance and advice from development experts through a half-day discussion panel. This panel discussed the development climate and potential strategies to prepare for and attract development to specific parcels near the the intersection of Lee and Oakton Streets, adjacent to Pace Route 250 and future stations for the Pace Pulse Dempster Line. The goal of the developer discussion was to provide direct insight to local public officials and landowners on the current market for development within the study area and ways in which the City can attract reinvestment adjacent to transit stations.

Current Activities

The Des Plaines Developer Dialogue event took place on June 2, with Pace and Metra staff in attendance. The final report is available under "Related Reports."

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $3,500

Last Updated 01.03.2024