Planning Programs and Projects

This page allows users to search for projects from the RTA’s Planning Programs. Users can search for projects by name or keyword from the Search bar or the Filter pulldown menus. 

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Year Project Title Program Project Type Project Partner Budget Funding Source(s) Status
+ Park Forest, Matteson and Richton Park Transportation Alternatives Study Community Planning Pedestrian Access to Transit - Mobility Management Park Forest $1,000
  • rta

Project Details


The RTA partnered with the villages of Park Forest, Matteson and Richton Park to prepare a transportation alternatives study. The study examined the market potential for new mobility services such as local community-based transit services, shared mobility services, and non-motorized transportation alternatives, as well as identified additional approaches to continued land development near transit services.

Current Activities

The report was completed in the summer of 2022 and can be found under "Related Reports." To advance the recommendation for improving bicycle facilities, the Village of Forest Park was awarded funding from Cook County to conduct preliminary engineering for the 26th Street Multi-Use Path through the County's 2022 Invest in Cook program awards. Completion of this multi-use path along Forest Boulevard, Norwood Boulevard, and 26th Street would allow Park Forest residents and visitors to access downtown Park Forest without a car and establish a connection to the Thorn Creek Trail. Similarly, the Village of Matteson has received construction funds for improvements to the Village portion of the Preservation Path, which will enhance connections to transit services along Lincoln Highway and to the Old Plank Trail.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $1000.00

Last Updated 05.22.2023

+ Riverside TOD Zoning Code Update Community Planning TOD Zoning Riverside $35,000
  • rta

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


The RTA assisted the VIllage of Riverside with an update to the Village of Riverside's Zoning Ordinance. The update reflects current development trends and is a step towards implementing the Central Business District Plan that promotes pedestrian oriented redevelopment near the Riverside Metra station while preserving the character of the downtown. The code revisions also align the zoning code along Harlem Ave in a manner that more transit friendly and is based on the recommendations of the Harlem Avenue Corridor Plan, developed by the RTA and Pace. The update also addresses zoning issues related to protecting the Village's national historic landmark designation.

Current Activities

Zoning Code and Sign Code amendments as well as corresponding Zoning Map updates were adopted by the Village Board in January 2023. 

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $35000.00

Last Updated 01.03.2024

+ Bartlett TOD Zoning Update Community Planning TOD Zoning Bartlett $18,875
  • rta

Project Details

Related Reports
This project created zoning revisions to the Bartlett Village Zoning Code intended to implement Bartlett's 2016 Downtown Transit-Oriented Development (TOD) Plan. The project developed a new Downtown TOD Overlay chapter to implement Village strategies for a stronger sense of place, to create a more vibrant and walk-able downtown and update development regulations to allow for the type of development the Village envisioned in the TOD Plan.
Current Activities
The Village Board adopted the Downtown TOD Overlay chapter into the Village Zoning Code at their November 19, 2019 meeting.
Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $18875.00

Last Updated 12.12.2019

+ Bensenville Metra Station Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Bensenville $500,000
  • loc
  • fed

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project improved access to the Bensenville Metra Station through the construction of new sidewalks and bike parking at the station and along the adjacent Railroad Ave. Additionally, the commuter parking lot was reconfigured to enhance pedestrian and transit access to the station through the addition of a bus shelter and sidewalks. Other improvements included widened sidewalks, ornamental roadway lighting, bike racks, crosswalks, and a bus layover area.

Current Activities

Construction began in summer of 2018 and is now complete. Improvements include a more accessible and pedestrian friendly Metra and Pace service area for their users, potentially leading to an increase in ridership. 2018 weekday boardings increased 16% over 2016 according to Metra Boarding and Alighting Counts. Additionally, Beautification of the existing Railroad Avenue from York Road to Center Street has enhanced the pedestrian friendly nature of the Bensenville downtown area.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $100000.00
Federal $400000.00

Last Updated 05.18.2021

+ Brookfield Developer Discussion Panel - Brookfield Station Community Planning Development Dialogue Brookfield $3,000
  • rta

Project Details


This project assisted the Village of Brookfield with a Developer Discussion Panel to gather guidance and advice from development experts. The objective is to attract development to vacant sites and encourage infill development. The Developer Discussion Panel helped the Village determine goals and needs in order to best utilize the land.

Current Activities

The panel was held in August 2018 with members of the Village of Brookfield, ULI Chicago and the RTA in attendance. The Village continues to experience incremental growth near the Brookfield station in the form of new apartment development.

A summary report can be found to the right in Related Reports.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $3000.00

Last Updated 07.23.2021

+ Brookfield Metra Station Bicycle Parking Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Brookfield $277,150
  • rta
  • loc
  • fed

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project funded construction of covered bicycle parking at both the Congress Park and Brookfield Metra Stations. Twenty-four racks were installed at Congress Park and 12 at Brookfield. These improvements leverage Brookfield's existing bicycle facilities and support the annual Bike Brookfield event.

Current Activities

Construction of these improvements was completed in 2022.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $13857.00
Local $41573.00
Federal $221720.00

Last Updated 04.26.2024

+ Chicago - South Shore Corridor Study Community Planning Corridor Planning Chicago $146,031
  • rta
  • loc
  • fed

Project Details

Related Reports

This project developed a plan for two corridors, the East 75th and East 79th Street corridors, between Stony Island Avenue and the lakefront in the South Shore neighborhood. The plan identifies 10 Ideas for Action to improve land use, business retention, housing and connectivity to transit for both corridors.

Current Activities

The Chicago Plan Commission adopted the plan in May 2020 and in June announced the award of Neighborhood Opportunity Funds to two projects that will rehabilitate two vacant storefronts along 79th Street, $52,500 for rehab and build-out for a new co-working space at 1642 E. 79th Street, and $90,000 for renovation and reuse of a vacant building​ for an architecture studio at 2320 E. 79th Street.

In February 2021 Mayor Lori Lightfoot joined the groundbreaking ceremony of the Sisters in Cinema Media Center on East 75th Street at Yates. The Center will house gallery space, a 45-seat theater, editing and computer lab, offices, and classroom and conference space. The Center is scheduled to open in September of 2021.

In the spring of 2021 the City released a two-part RFP for a 1.7-acre site that includes vintage, low-rise buildings and for vacant land adjacent to the Cheltenham station on Metra’s Electric Main Line. The RFP goals include the construction and rehabilitation of transit-oriented housing and ancillary uses. Bids are due August 31, 2021.

The RTA continues to monitor implementation and offer assistance to the City as requested.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $28729.00
Local $7302.00
Federal $110000.00

Last Updated 05.18.2021

+ Chicago Heights Pace Route Access Improvements Access to Transit Program Pedestrian Access to Transit Chicago Heights $124,920
  • rta
  • loc
  • fed
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


The project will add access improvements to the Chicago Heights Pace terminal located at 16th St. and Vincennes Ave. They include replacement of existing sidewalks, adding ADA-compliant crosswalks, a bus staging lane and covered bike parking.

Current Activities

The City is currently in coordination with Illinois Department of Transportation for a Qualified Based Selection and Phase II design.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $12492.00
Local $12492.00
Federal $99936.00

Last Updated 03.29.2024

+ Cicero Zoning Code Update Community Planning TOD Zoning Cicero $97,122
  • rta
  • loc

Project Details


The RTA assisted the Town of Cicero with a comprehensive update the Town's Zoning Code to better align the code with their recently adopted Cicero Connections Initiative Plan, (funded by the RTA) and the Town's Comprehensive Plan. The project explored form based code elements to create a unified and streamlined zoning code process that will attract development, and will recognize the availability of transit service to explore greater density in commercial neighborhoods, sustainable development principles, and reduced zoning code parking requirements.

Current Activities

The new Unified Development Code and corresponding zoning map updates were completed and adopted by the Town Board in November 2022. 

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $87410.00
Local $9712.00

Last Updated 01.03.2024

+ - Clearbrook - Community Connections for Adults with Disabilities Section 5310 / JARC / NF Operating Clearbrook $200,000
  • loc
  • fed

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This project provides transportation services to more than 8,000 children & adults with Intellectual/developmental disabilities. Clients are transported to work, school, day programs, medical appointments, community recreation, and other activities.

Current Activities

The operating service provided 6,077 trips in June 2021. Ridership has been affected due to COVID-19

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Local $100000.00
Federal $100000.00

Last Updated 09.15.2022