Planning Programs and Projects

This page allows users to search for projects from the RTA’s Planning Programs. Users can search for projects by name or keyword from the Search bar or the Filter pulldown menus. 

Table results display summary information about each project. To view more details for a project, select the + icon to expand the view for additional information.


This search filters based on details within the Planning Project. The search box below allows users to search by Planning Project name.

Year Project Title Program Project Type Project Partner Budget Funding Source(s) Status
+ - Clearbrook - Community Connections for Adults with Disabilities_'20-'21 Section 5310 / JARC / NF Operating Clearbrook $400,000
  • Federal
  • Local
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


Clearbrook continues to provide transportation services to more than 8,000 children & adults with intellectual/developmental disabilities.  Clients are transported to work, school, day programs, medical appointments, community recreation, and other activities. 

Current Activities

The RTA Board approved funding for this project on August 19, 2021.   The operating service provided 17,041 trips in November 2022.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Federal $200,000
Local $200,000

Last Updated 11.28.2023

+ CTA Bus Priority Zones Plan - Halsted Street Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan Chicago Transit Authority (CTA) $300,000
  • RTA
  • Local
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


The RTA is assisting the CTA with developing a strategy for bus route enhancements that will address slow zones along CTA Bus Route #8 - Halsted Street. The strategies are being developed in coordination with other transportation analyses along the corridors. The improvements will work to speed bus operations in persistent congested areas and accommodate expected growth in the North Branch area with improved transit service.

Current Activities

The team has identified nine slow zones along CTA Route 8, Halsted and is now prioritizing future improvements based on feedback from the Federal Transit Administration as well as roadway jurisdictional agencies.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $150,000
Local $150,000

Last Updated 07.22.2024

+ - CTF Illinois Transportation Services for People with Disabilities_'20-'21 Section 5310 / JARC / NF Operating CTF Illinois $200,000
  • Federal
  • Local
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


CTF Illinois provides transportation support to children and adults with diverse disabilities.  The door-to-door transportation services are vital to allow persons enrolled at CTF greater access to their daily supports including vocational, community employment, educational, fine arts, and advocacy.  This award includes funding for GPS fleet tracking devices to provide precise travel data.

Current Activities

CTF Illinois has decided not to move forward with this project. Funds from this award will be reprogrammed to another subrecipient.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Federal $5,276
Local $1,319

Last Updated 11.28.2023

+ DuPage County Mobility Plan Community Planning Transit Improvement Plan DuPage County $94,876
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details


The RTA assisted the DuPage County Department of Transportation to develop its first county-wide mobility framework plan. The plan offers a muti-modal analysis of the County’s existing transportation network and presents a framework of themes, goals, and strategies that the County can use to improve the connectivity and convenience of transit, pedestrian, and bicycle networks. Some of the goals contained in the plan include responding to the changing transportation market and addressing the needs of employers and residents in the County to attract and retain employees and residents.

Current Activities

Work on this project began in 2021 with existing conditions analysis and continued through 2023. The Mobility Framework Plan was approved by the DuPage County Board at their meeting on February 13, 2024. The Mobility Framework Plan is available in the "Related Reports" section of this page.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $75,901
Local $18,975

Last Updated 03.26.2024

+ - DuPage County Transportation to Work_'20-'21 Section 5310 / JARC / NF Operating DuPage County $1,182,000
  • Federal
  • Local
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


The Transportation to Work Program provides demand-responsive transportation to and from work for persons with disabilities.  The project operates 24 hours per day, 365 days per year and serves all of DuPage County.

Current Activities

The RTA Board approved funding for this project on August 19, 2021.  The operating service provided approximately 1,900 trips in September 2023.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Federal $591,000
Local $591,000

Last Updated 11.24.2023

+ Elburn TOD Plan Community Planning Transit-Oriented Development Plan Elburn $124,909
  • RTA
  • Local

Project Details

Related Reports

The RTA assisted the Village with developing a TOD plan for downtown Elburn and the areas near the Elburn Metra station. Plan objectives included identifying ways to unify and connect the downtown business district with the Metra station and TOD development south of the station and identifying development opportunities that support a vibrant area serving the entire village while incorporating the Metra station as a focal point of new development.

Current Activities

Work on this project began in 2021 with an existing conditions analysis and a series of community engagement events and surveys.  After developing a set of recommendations and implementation steps, the project team presented the draft plan at the third public workshop in April 2022. The Elburn Village Board adopted the plan as an amendment to the Comprehensive Plan at their July 18 meeting after receiving a unanimous recommendation for adoption from the Planning Commission. The adopted plan is available under "Related Reports."

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $106,173
Local $18,736

Last Updated 05.22.2023

+ Hanover Park TOD Zoning Code Update Community Planning TOD Zoning Hanover Park $20,439
  • RTA

Project Details


The RTA assisted the Village with updating the zoning code for its Village Center TOD area in an effort to enable the type of development envisioned in its TOD Plan. A new Village Center designation was created with modernized parking requirements, allowable number of dwelling units per acre, allowable land uses, and revisions to the development review process.

Current Activities

The new Village Center Zoning district (under Related Reports) was approved by the Village Board in August 2022.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $20,439

Last Updated 10.21.2022

+ Harvey TOD Plan Update Community Planning TOD Plan Update Harvey $142,099
  • RTA
  • Local
  • Federal

Project Details


The RTA assisted the City to update its TOD Plan that was completed in 2005 for areas surrounding the Pace Harvey Transportation Center, including the Metra station, the Pace Transportation Center, the adjacent civic campus and points west to connect to residential areas and the University of Chicago Medicine Ingalls Memorial Hospital. The plan addresses population loss and ways to leverage improvements underway at the Metra station and Transportation Center to rebuild the downtown population through higher-density, transit-supportive, quality infill development.

Current Activities

The Plan was presented in March 2022 to the City Council. The final report and supporting documents can be found under "Related Reports". The City is pursuing funding for various roadwork, public plazas and gathering spaces as identified in the plan and later in 2022 was awarded design engineering funds for the 154th Street Improvement Project. The project will include pedestrian safety and ADA compliant sidewalk improvements by upgrading the pavement, sidewalk, and lighting conditions along 154th Street. The RTA will continue monitoring for plan implementation activities. 

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
RTA $25,920
Local $2,500
Federal $113,679

Last Updated 05.11.2023

+ - Kendall Area Transit_'20-'21 Section 5310 / JARC / NF Operating Kendall County $640,000
  • Federal
  • Local
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


This is a general public, demand responsive dial-a-ride service that serves primarily for senior citizens and persons with disabilities in the urban portions of Kendall County.   The award includes funding to support a part-time mobility manager.

Current Activities

The RTA Board approved funding for this project on August 19, 2021.  The operating service provided 2,585 trips in September 2023.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Federal $320,000
Local $320,000

Last Updated 11.24.2023

+ - Little City Transportation to Work '20-'21 Section 5310 / JARC / NF Operating Little City Foundation $1,000,000
  • Federal
  • Local
In Progress

Project Details

Related Reports

Not Available


Little City continues to provide transportation to seniors and individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities, who are enrolled with Little City to places of employment, community-based programs, Special Olympics regional competitions, and medical appointments. 

Current Activities

The RTA Board approved funding for this project on August 19, 2021.  The operating project provided 6,756 trips in January 2023.

Funding Amounts by Source
Source Amount
Federal $500,000
Local $500,000

Last Updated 11.28.2023